ACSOL National Action Alert: Lend your support to H.R.2899 Second Chance Reauthorization Act


[from] For formerly incarcerated individuals, reentering society is filled with uncertainties. Those include gaining access to life’s basic needs like housing and a career, proven ways to ensure they don’t return to prison. But too often, they are unable to take advantage of what is offered to others without a criminal record and end up back behind bars, adding more costs to taxpayers.

The Second Chance Reauthorization Act aims to give those who have served their time a leg up. It would extend vital reentry grant programs in addition to expanding services for things like substance use disorder treatment. These vital lifelines help ensure prisoners can successfully reenter society. Urge Congress to support this bill today!

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I just did it, and it was fast! I was glad to take a minute to help others

I need to read the bill, but if anyone already has, can you comment on whether there are carve outs for persons convicted of sex offenses?

Done, took less than a minute. I presume, as part of my eternal pessimism, that there will be carve outs, but I do attempt to balance my pessimism with some degree of realism, so maybe….

Maybe at some point the idiocy of the Carve Outs becomes so obviously absurd they are rendered indefensible? Removing barriers to jobs and stable housing will produce exactly the same results with PFRs as it does with everyone else. In fact, given the already tiny level of continued criminal activity among PFRs, new SO’s being particularly miniscule, legislation like this would have an even greater societal benefit with PFRs then with virtually any other class of felons.

Sooner or later, that fact becomes undeniable, and the carve outs become unsustainable? As the carve outs die, and the microscopic levels of new criminal activity of any kind continues to shrink, the Registry itself become untenable?

I would love to see Janice lobby the legislature in regards to California’s AB1076 clean slate act and at the very least people who don’t have to register anymore get the relief. As more people come off the list this would benefit them greatly in the employment market.

Last edited 6 months ago by stwvw

I don’t find the word “sex” anywhere in the bill but U.S. House Rep. James Sensenbrenner, Republican, the author, has been terrible for us over the years. I wouldn’t count on this bill not being revised to include the word “sex” as it progresses.

I didn’t find any carve outs. I would have supported it anyway (I did) as it is extremely important relief for others, but I would have also emailed all the bill sponsors. If anyone hears of carve outs added as the bill moves, please alert this forum and I will send multiple emails – for what that’s worth 🙄


Why is a petition for something that was already passed and signed into law being asked to be signed well past the time it was needed initially?

Is there legislation being drawn to reauthorize it in 2027-2028? Is there an effort to pressure Congressional members to increase the funding for additional chances regardless of the infractions convicted of?

The White House of Unity and the child of Hope and Change already signed by proclamation April as Second Chance Month as seen by the attached website above.

Sounds good on paper until it is revised to exclude registrants.

I received an email (form email) from US Senator Duckworth and US Rep Casten after submitting my support for this. The response outlines all they have done and continue to do. Casten’s was more general about everything, casting a large net, but Duckworth’s went into detail about criminal justice (injustice) reform, and it would be very encouraging if it included PFRs.

Did anyone else get responses? I am thinking of using this opportunity to respond in itemized detail as I have learned to do, specifically to Duckworth, and educate her on the registry issues. What the heck, even if only an aid reads it, at least it’s out in the universe and then maybe the aid learns something.

Thank you Janet, I live in San Diego and I was at your last meeting when you came to San Diego about a year and a half ago, over at the law library School, congratulations on winning your case about the one year of mandatory treatment therapy for 290 PFR on parole, I’ve been on parole for 7 years, I’ve been going to hope program here in San Diego for 7 years, one year would have been plenty, because the Hope therapy program is repetitious, I waste of textures dollars, I am a strong candidate to get off parole when I am finally discharged from My Hope therapy management, I did four years in prison, I was sentenced to 3 years of parole, which turned into 10 years of parole. I am in my third year of college pursuing a master’s degree in psychology, I am a honor student, I am a drug addict with almost 5 years of sobriety, I know we’re having a another meeting in November, look forward to seeing you or your colleagues down here in November in San Diego, thank you again for your hard work, hopefully because of your efforts I will be released from my mandatory therapy after 7 years of doing the same stuff over and over again, and I can petition to get off parole